Carlos Pires

Software Engineer

Welcome! My name is Carlos Galinho Pires, I am a software engineer, an amateur cyclist, a multi-instrumentalist musician and a fictional author.

In this page you can get to know me better.

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My profession

Software development

Current situation

C#/.NET Senior Software Engineer at Critical Manufacturing.

My Path

Software Development and Test Engineer at BIX Health, where I developed: 1) high performance cloud solutions for IoT (on Azure: Service Bus, IoT Hub, DocumentDB); 2) web apps and web APIs for FHIR (in ASP.NET MVC); 3) apps for mobile and desktop devices (in Xamarin Android and UWP). (see TV clip on Exame Informática)

Software Development and Test Engineer at Microsoft Language Development Center. At Microsoft I worked with multiple frameworks and tecnologies, mainly: 1) Windows Runtime (Windows, Windows Phone), Windows Phone (Silverlight), desktop (WPF, .NET), web (HTML5, ASP.NET MVC, Silverlight) and backend services (REST, WCF, Azure); 2) software testing, test plans, test cases, reports and test execution (stress and load testing, api testing (black/white-box), performance testing, manual testing, UI automation) for web, mobile (iOS e Windows Phone), desktop and APIs; 3) database optimizations (SQL Server) for big data; 4) research and development on national and international projects (Living Usability Lab, AAL4ALL, Smartphones for Seniors, PaeLife, ACP Street Libraries). (Check out some of our work)


Master's Degree (EQF level 7, ISCED level 5) in Informatics and Computing Enginering at Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto with an overall classification of B (16).
High school (General Course - Scientific-Natural) at Escola Secundária c/ 3º CEB Afonso de Albuquerque da Guarda with an overall classification of A (18).

Areas of Interest

User Experience, Human-Computer Interaction, Multimodal Interfaces, Artificial Intelligence, Multimedia, Distributed Computing, Mobile Computing, Software Testing and Quality, Computer Graphics and Web Applications.


  • Programming languages: C#, ASP.NET, Java, C/C++, Scheme, Prolog, Assembly IA-32, Assembly MIPS, PHP, JSP, PL-SQL, PL/pgSQL. Basic knowledge of Ruby e Python.
  • Other languages: HTML (XHTML, HTML5), CSS, Javascript, Verilog, IDL, VDM++, Alloy.
  • Modeling languages: UML.
  • Databases: SQL Server, MSAccess, MySQL, PostGreSQL e Oracle.
  • IDEs: Visual Studio 2005/08/10/12/13/15/19/22, Visual Studio Code, Blend, Eclipse, NetBeans, Xcode, Dr. Scheme e SicStus Prolog.
  • Collaboration tools: SVN, CVS, Team Foundation Server, GIT, Sharepoint, Wikis.
  • Test tools: Microsoft Test Manager, Visual Studio (test tools), Instruments (Xcode).
  • Operative systems: Windows 95/98/XP/Vista/7/8/10, Windows Server 2008/2012, Windows Mobile 6.5, Windows Phone 7/8/10, Linux (Sabayon, Fedora, Ubuntu), Mac OS X.
  • Servers: Internet Information Services, Apache, Apache Tomcat.
  • Tecnologies/Frameworks: OpenGL, ArToolkit, GTKmm, Smarty, Portlets/Servlets, JUnit, AspectJ, CLPFD (Prolog), ANTLR, JADE, Ruby on Rails, Java RMI, Java ME (MIDP), .NET, .NET Compact Framework, .NET Remoting, .NET Mobile, Windows Phone SDK, Silverlight, WPF, Web Services, REST, WCF, jQuery, KnockoutJS, ASP.NET MVC, Skype SDK, Azure SDK, Kinect SDK, Windows Runtime (Universal Apps), UWP, DocumentDB (NoSQL), Azure IoT, Azure Service Bus, Xamarin (Android). Basic knowledge of COM/DCOM/COM+, CORBA e AJAX.

Soft skills

  • Team worker
  • Working individually and autonomously on complicated projects
  • Quick and effective resolution of complex problems
  • Ability to adapt to changes
  • High sense of responsibility and organization
  • Spirit of creativity and innovation


  • I can solve problems quickly
  • I like challenges and I don't fear them
  • I think nothing is impossible
  • I have a lot of creativity



Cultural Center of Guarda

First lessons of organ and music theory.


Conservatory of Music of Guarda (piano)

I started my studies on official education: music theory and piano classes.


Fanfarra Chamissons da Estrela

I joined a fanfare as a saxophonist. I also received some training on other metal instruments and drums.


Projecto Andarilho (workshops)

Workshop "Popular Portuguese Musical Instruments Guided Tour"

Workshop "Wind Instruments and Percussion"


Conservatory of Music of Guarda (saxophone)

I finished the basic piano course with a B (15)

I started the basic saxophone course


Book of musical arrangements

I created my first book of musical arrangements to fanfares and brass bands


(School) Fanfarra Chamissons da Estrela

I supervised the teaching of drums and wind instruments


Porto Jazz School

I took improv classes and played in jazz combos


Gaia Regional Conservatory Foundation

I finished the basic saxophone course with a B (15)


Carlosax Brass Band

I produced my one-man band's first album



I started my studies in 1992 at the Cultural Center of Guarda, where I took organ and music theory classes.
In 1996 I was transferred to the official teaching (Conservatory of Music of Guarda), where I completed the Basic Piano Course with an A+ (19) in the final exam, with professor Domenico Ricci.
At the same time I joined the Fanfarra Chamissons da Estrela where I received trainning in metal instruments and drums with professor António Daniel Carvalho and also began studying Saxophone.
After the fanfare ended, I continued the musical project of ADC Vale de Estrela, guiding the teaching of trumpet, trombone, bombardino and tuba, but mainly drums, at their music school.
After finishing the basic piano course, I started studying Saxophone at the Conservatory with professor Carlos Canhoto, where I made an accumulation of 3 years (in one academic year I took the 2nd, 3rd and 4th grades).
For a year I interrupted my official studies and attended the Porto Jazz School where I took improvisation classes with professor Pedro Barreiros and played in jazz combos.
Afterwards I returned to the official education where I finished the Basic Saxophone Course at the Gaia Regional Conservatory Foundation with professor Nuno Choupeiro.


  • Basic piano course*
  • Basic Saxophone Course*
  • Knowledge of: drums, trumpet, trombone, tuba and bombardino
  • ________________
    *Conservatory 5th degree


  • Carlosax Brass Band (one-man band, 2006-2009)
  • Trio Clave de Sol (saxophonist/bombardinist)
  • Fanfarra Chamissons da Estrela (saxophonist/supervisor/student)
  • Choir and Saxophone Quartet of Conservatory of Music of Guarda (student)
  • Grémio Tour (drummer)

Self-published work

  • Musical Arrangements for Fanfares and Philharmonic Bands (Book)
  • Musical Arrangements for Fanfares and Philharmonic Bands - Volume 2 (Book)
  • Musical Arrangements for Fanfares and Philharmonic Bands - Volume 3 (Book)
  • In One Day (Album)
  • Festa no Jardim (Album)
  • Carlosax Brass Band (Album)


Download (portuguese version)

Writing and Creativity


Published books


Published texts in books as a co-author


Written tales


Written and produced sketches


Written screenplays


Written theater plays


Comedy blog

I started writing my first comedy articles for a blog, under a pseudonym


Cartoon sketches

I created an online comedy animation series, under the pseudonym


Writing training

Creative Writing Course

Screenwriting Course (Level 1)


Short selected for a contest

The short film "A Estória do Afonso" was selected for the exhibition in the INATEL video contest, having premiered at the cinema City Alvalade (Lisbon)


Tales blog

I started writing original fiction stories (tales)

See blog 2014

Micro-tale published

"A Curva Indesejada" micro-tale was published in the book "A Audiência Escreveu um Crime".

See livro 2016

Participation in the Nortear Literary Prize

I submitted the short story "Cidade dos Relógios" (City of Clocks) for the 2016 Nortear Literary Prize


Directing workshop

I acquired basic directing knowledge and co-directed a short film

See short 2017

Dubbing animation workshop

I acquired basic notions on how the dubbing process works and how to improve orality, expressiveness and interpretation

See audiobook 2017

Book "De Conto a Romance" (From Tale to Novel)

The compilation of the stories written in my literary blog lead to my first book, published by Chiado Books

Buy Book's page (January) 2018

Publication of 1 love letter

Invited by Chiado Books, my love letter entitled "Letter to an Unknown Dream" was published in the book "Três Quartos de um Amor".

Buy (February) 2018

Participation in the Miguel Rovisco Award with 1 theater play

I wrote my first theater play, entitled "A 12th Degree Encounter", which I submitted to competition for the Miguel Rovisco Award of 2018/2019.

See theater plays (December) 2018

Publication of 1 love letter

Invited by Chiado Books, my love letter entitled "For you, daily muse", was published in the 2nd volume of the book "Três Quartos de um Amor".

Buy (February) 2019

Publication of 1 Christmas tale

Invited by Chiado Books I wrote the short story "Santa's Helper", which was published in the 2nd volume of the book "Natal em Palavras".

Buy (December) 2019

Participation in the Miguel Rovisco Award with 1 theater play

I wrote my second play, entitled "Once Upon a Time in a Startup", which I submitted to competition for the Miguel Rovisco Award of 2019/2020.

See theater plays (January) 2020

Publication of 1 love letter

Invited by Chiado Books I wrote the love letter "De Neusa para Duarte" - a pre-promotion for my next book - which was published in the 3rd volume of the book "Três Quartos de um Amor".

Buy (February) 2020

Book "De Conto a Romance - Volume 2"

My literary adventure continues with the publication of my 2nd book, published by Chiado Books.

Buy Book's page (April) 2020

Publication of 1 memoir

Invited by Chiado Books, I wrote a small memoir about the confinement that was published in the book "Quarentena - Memórias de um país confinado - Portugal".

Buy (August) 2020

Blog "Abíliutupia"

I started a small and new blog inspired by the homonymous tale published in the 2nd volume of the "De Conto a Romance" collection.

See (October) 2020

Participation in the Miguel Rovisco Award with 1 theater play

I wrote my third play, entitled "After Once Upon a Time", which I submitted to competition for the Miguel Rovisco Award of 2020/2021.

See theater plays (January) 2021

Publication of 1 short story

Invited by the City of Guarda, I wrote the short story "Snow Day" for the collection "Rua do Encontro – Ficções da Guarda" published by Âncora Editora.

Buy (May) 2021

Tale selected for 3rd International Literary Contest of Tales and Poetry Reinaldo Corona

I wrote the short story "Grandson for a Moment", which was accepted and published in the competition's book ("Conexões").

(August) 2021

Participation in the "PAGE International Screenwriting Awards 2022" with "The Scribes of Destiny"

I wrote a feature film based on my tale "The Scribes of Destiny" for this internacional competition.

FilmFreeway (December) 2021

Participation in the "Flash-Fiction EACWP Contest 2022"

I wrote a mini-text for this Flash-Fiction contest.

(Março) 2022

Book "De Conto a Romance - Volume 3"

My collection "De Conto a Romance" (From Tale to Novel) receives its 3rd volume, published by Primeiro Capítulo.

Buy Book's page (April) 2022

Participation in the "Big Break (2022)" with "The Beginning of Times"

I wrote a pilot based on my tale "The Beginning of Times" for this internacional competition.

FilmFreeway (June) 2022

Submission of "Neusa" to contests and lists

I wrote a feature based on my tale "Neusa".

FilmFreeway (Setembro) 2022

Submission of "Star Soldier" to contests and lists

I wrote a feature based on my tale "Star Soldier" which was placed as quarter-finalist in "Los Angeles International Screenplay Awards - Summer 2023" and "Filmmatic Sci-Fi/Fantasy Awards 2023".

FilmFreeway (December) 2022

Submission of "Definition of Love" to contests and lists

I wrote an original short which was placed as quarterfinalist in "SWN Short Film Screenplay Competition Winter 2022".

FilmFreeway (Janeiro) 2023

Submission of "Soul" to contests and lists

I wrote a feature based on my tale "Soul" which was placed as quarter-finalist in "Los Angeles International Screenplay Awards - Summer 2023".

FilmFreeway (March) 2023

Submission of "Obsessed" to contests and lists

I wrote a feature based on my tale "Obsessed" which was placed as semi-finalist in "Emerging Screenwriters Suspense Screenplay Competition 2023".

FilmFreeway (May) 2023

Submission of "Boycotted by Prejudice" short to contests and lists.

My original short "Boycotted by Prejudice" was placed as finalist in "SWN Short Film Screenplay Competition Autumn 2023", semi-finalist in "Outstanding Screenplays Shorts Competition 2023" and quarter-finalist in "Filmmatic Short Screenplay Awards Season 9"

FilmFreeway (July) 2023

Submission of the pilot "The Vigilante" to contests.

I wrote a TV pilot in Portuguese based on my tale "O Vigilante".

FilmFreeway (July) 2023

Submission of "Downburst" feature to contests and lists

I wrote a feature based on my tale "Inferno", which was semifinalist in "Emerging Screenwriters Screenplay Competition 2024", "Los Angeles International Screenplay Awards Fall 2023" and "Filmmatic Drama Screenplay Awards Season 9", and Award Winner of "Action/Adventure Screenplay Festival 2024".

FilmFreeway (October) 2023

Submission of "The Captain Baloney Chronicles" feature to contests and lists

I wrote a feature based on my tale "As Crónicas do Capitão Besteira", which was quarterfinalist in "Emerging Screenwriters Comedy Screenplay Competition 2024.

FilmFreeway (December) 2023

Publication of 1 love letter

Invited by Chiado Books, my love letter entitled "Broken Hearts" was published in the anthology "Três Quartos de um Amor IV".

Buy (February) 2024

Submission of "The Last Exodus" feature to contests and lists

I wrote a feature based on my tale "Êxodo" to submit to competitions and lists, which was quarterfinalist in "Los Angeles International Screenplay Awards Spring 2024" and "Filmmatic Sci-Fi/Fantasy Awards Season 2".

FilmFreeway (May) 2024

Submission of "Shelpek Pizza" short to contests and lists.

My original short "Shelpek Pizza", co-written with Dinara Tussupkaliyeva, was submitted to competitions and lists.

FilmFreeway (July) 2024

Submission of "Narrated By You" feature to contests and lists

I wrote a feature based on my tale "Narra-me o mundo!" to submit to competitions and lists.

FilmFreeway (December) 2024

Publication of 1 love letter

Invited by Chiado Books, my love letter entitled "To My Sweet Dinara" will be published in the book "Três Quartos de um Amor V".

(February) 2025

Future projects

Showrun a cartoon comedy TV series?

Dubbing a movie?



I've always liked writing and at school I loved making compositions that forced me to resort on my creativity. However, later, it got more serious with the creation of a blog of comedy articles, in 2005, following a friend's suggestion, which currently has hundreds of posts/mini-chronicles about the most varied things of everyday life. I've always been a fan of animated comedies like Family Guy or Simpsons, and that drove me to, in 2012, creating an animated series of comedy sketches for the web, this was my first experience in scriptwriting. In order to deepen my knowledge in this area, in 2013 I attended a creative writing course and a screenwriting course (level 1), taught by Escrever Escrever. In the same year, the short film "A Estória do Afonso" - which lead to the 4th season of my animated web-series - was selected for the 8th edition of the INATEL Video Contest, in the category "Prémio Fundação INATEL". In 2014 a new project appeared, consisting of a blog where I started writing fictional stories, divided by episodes (tales). In 2017 I decided to deepen my knowledge and attended a directing workshop given by the production company Filmes da Mente, during which I co-directed a short film. In the same year, I also attended a dubbing workshop for animation, given by the Vocare Conservatory, in which I gained knowledge of how the dubbing process works and the required interpretation and expressiveness, and during which I dubbed some excerpts of animated films. In 2018 I possibly reached one of the most important milestones of my life when I became a published author with the book "De Conto a Romance" (Chiado Books), which brought together the collection of short stories from my literary blog. In 2020, I published the 2nd volume of the collection: "De Conto a Romance - Volume 2" (Chiado Books). In 2022, the 3rd volume of the collection was published: "De Conto a Romance - Volume 3" (Primeiro Capítulo). At the same time, I adventured myself on other writing areas by submitting theater plays (view plays) and movie scripts to competitions.
In 2023, just my 2nd year writing screenplays, I received my first accolates: quarterfinalist in the "SWN Short Film Screenplay Competition Winter 2022" for my short "Definition of Love", semifinalist in the "Emerging Screenwriters Suspense Screenplay Competition 2023" for my feature "Obsessed", quarterfinalist in the "Los Angeles International Screenplay Awards Summer 2023" with my features "Soul" and "Star Soldier", quarterfinalist in the "Filmmatic Sci-Fi/Fantasy Awards 2023" for my feature "Star Soldier" and my short "Boycotted by Prejudice" was placed as quarterfinalist in "Filmmatic Short Screenplay Awards Season 9", semi-finalist in "Outstanding Screenplays Shorts Competition 2023" and finalist in "SWN Short Film Screenplay Competition Autumn 2023".
In 2024, the I received accolates for "Downburst", which was a semifinalist in the "Emerging Screenwriters Screenplay Competition 2024", "Los Angeles International Screenplay Awards Fall 2023" and "Filmmatic Drama Screenplay Awards Season 9", and Award Winner in "Action/Adventure Screenplay Festival 2024". "The Captain Baloney Chronicles" received a quarterfinalist laurel in the "Emerging Screenwriters Comedy Screenplay Competition 2024" and "The Last Exodus" was quarterfinalist in the "Los Angeles International Screenplay Awards Spring 2024" and in the "Filmmatic Sci-Fi/Fantasy Awards Season 2".

Current situation

  • Blogger of articles and comedy chronicles (under pseudonym)
  • Blogger of fictional stories, written in literary format (check blog)
  • Screenwriter and creator of cartoon comedy webseries (under pseudonym)
  • Author of "De Conto a Romance" (From Tale to Novel) collection (buy volume 1, buy volume 2, buy volume 3)


  • Mountain and road cycling (registered in UCI as amateur rider)
  • Trekking (member of Clube de Montanhismo da Guarda)
  • Micro-golf
  • Writer of comedy articles
  • Author of original fiction stories
  • Screenwriter of web animated comedy series
  • Saxophone
  • Drums
  • Piano
  • Crowd-lender at GoParity: I believe that collective investing is the fairest way to help new businesses get started. Those who need it do not depend on big interests, and those who have some money have higher returns than banks; this way, the process is more agile and the "wealth" is distributed among more people. Want to give it a try? It only takes €25 to be an investor!
  • Micro-investor in Kiva - microcredit was invented by Nobel Prize winner Muhammad Yunus and consists of lending small amounts of money so that people in developing countries can start businesses or improve their lives. It's not about charity but something better: improving people's lives responsibly. At the end of the loan they return the entirety of what we borrowed (no interest, of course!). Do you want to try it? It only takes $25 to get started!
  • Photography
  • Videography
  • Digital animation
  • Video editing
Other leisure activities
  • Watch TV series and movies
  • Playing video games
  • Read


Some projects I've been:

  • - BIX HealthCloud (2016-2017) - I took part in the development of a high-performance cloud solution that allows the collection, treatment and access of data from health devices using FHIR.
  • - BIX HealthBox (2016-2017) - I took part in the development of an Android application (Xamarin) to collect and access data from health devices.
  • - Project Yuman (2016) - I took part in the development of a Windows Universal App for collecting wearables data and visualizing sensors data stored in the cloud.
  • - Dictio (2014-2015) - Development of a Windows Universal App for speech data collection and respective backend cloud (Azure)
  • - ACP Street Libraries (2014-2016) - I took part in the development of a Windows Phone App, API and Web App aimed at collecting and processing content in Africa.
  • - World Search (2010-2012, 2015) - In this project my work consisted essentially in the development of the mobile application for Windows Phone 8, which allows the search for content through speech (in European Portuguese) using Bing.
  • - S4S Smartphones for Seniors (2012-2014) - Development of a multimodal personal assistant for Windows Phone, optimized for seniors, and that allows management of email, calendar and social networks.
  • - PaeLife (2012-2014) - I took part in requirements gathering, system specification and preliminary prototype UI/UX design of the project (AALFred).
  • - AAL4ALL (2011-2014) - In addition to having participated in the coordination of one of the sub-topics of the project linked to the pilot tests, I was involved in the expansion of the LHC multimodal prototype in order to incorporate sensors and home automation and biometrics from partners. I also had the opportunity to supervise a professional internship.
  • - LUL - Living Usability Lab (2010-2012) - This projects was within the scope of my master's thesis and consisted on the development of the "LHC" prototype. This translated into a multiplatform personal assistant (desktop in WPF and Windows Phone in Silverlight) and multimodal for people with reduced mobility, allowing easy management of email, calendar and instant messages. This pilot was tested with real users.
  • - YourSpeech - Online speech collection platform based on ASP.Net/Silverlight
  • - Internal projects for the Microsoft Bing group

Projects carried out during my course (the most important ones):

  • - Personal Assistant for Improving the Social Life of Mobility-Impaired Citizens (Master's Dissertation)
  • - Rangers (showcase) - Military strategy video game in augmented reality, coded in C++ and using the OpenGL and ARToolKit frameworks and developed within the scope of Virtual and Augmented Reality.
  • - Tortuga - Video game that simulates a board game, programmed in C++ and Prolog (IA ) and using the OpenGL framework and carried out in the scope of the Laboratory of Software Applications and Logic Programming.
  • - Ten - Interactive film made using multimedia tools (Silverlight, Adobe Premiere , etc) carried out within the scope of the Multimedia and New Services course.
  • - C3 - Development of applications for Liferay, the work was proposed by the company I2S and carried out in the scope of the Project Management Laboratory.
  • - MatReco (Download Neural Network Engine) - Software that allows the recognition of license plates (identification of the characters of a registration number from an image) which involved the programming of a neural network in C++ and carried out within the scope of the Artificial Intelligence course.
  • - EvadeMission - Software that simulates a company of soldiers in enemy territory, who have to find their way out alive. This work involved programming in Java and using the JADE library, for the course of Agents and Distributed Artificial Intelligence.
  • - MyWebAlbuns - Website in PHP connected to a PostgreSQL database developed within the scope of the Database Laboratory course
  • - Pong - Simple game that involved direct programming of a PC's hardware (graphics card, sound card, mouse and keyboard) for the Computer Lab course
  • - FTPTerm - FTP client for Linux environments, programmed in C++ and which uses the library to create GTK++ interfaces, for the Computer Networks course.
  • - DicioFast - Portuguese thesaurus with 13,394 words, programmed in C++ for the Algorithms and Data Structures class.

Personal projects

  • - Vale de Estrela Online - Site about my village Vale de Estrela created by me (1998-2010).
  • - ProjectoPVNet- Sub-site about the citizens of Vale de Estrela, aiming to disseminate the traditions and culture of the village (2004).
  • - MyStar - Virtual community of Vale de Estrela (2009-2010).
  • - News about Vale de Estrela - Dynamic news system (2009-2011).
  • - Joaquim Chamisso's Page - Webpage about my grandfather who was a popular poet (2003).
  • - ADC Vale de Estrela - Oficial website for Associação Desportiva e Cultural de Vale de Estrela (2002-2008).
  • - Vale de Estrela's Page - Oficial website of the Council of Vale de Estrela (2002).
  • - Fanfarra Chamissons da Estrela - Oficial website of Fanfarra Chamissons da Estrela (2002).
  • - CarloStudius - Virtual company specialized on small software tools (2005-2010).

Publications and awards


  1. Dias, M.S, Pinto, F., Pires, C., Rodrigues, E., "Improving the Social Inclusion of Mobility Impaired Users", September 7th, 2010, Lisbon, Portugal, Social Mobile Web Workshop in conjunction with the 12th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (MobileHCI'10).
  2. Galinho Pires, C., Miguel Pinto, F., Mendes Rodrigues, E., Sales Dias, M. On the benefits of speech and touch interaction with communication services for mobility impaired users., January, 2011, Rome, Italy, Proc. of the 1st International Living Usability Lab Workshop on AAL Latest Solutions, Trends and Applications, AAL 2011.
  3. V. Teixeira, C. Pires, F. Pinto, J. Freitas, Dias, M. S. and Rodrigues, E. (2012) “Towards elderly social integration using a multimodal human-computer interface”. Submitted to the 2nd International Living Usability Lab Workshop on AAL Latest Solutions, Trends and Applications - AAL 2012, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, 1-4 February, 2012.
  4. Galinho Pires, C., Miguel Pinto, F., Duarte Teixeira, V., Freitas, J., Sales Dias, M. Living Home Center - a personal assistant with multimodal interaction for elderly and mobility impaired e-inclusion, April, 2012, Portugal, Coimbra, PROPOR'2012.
  5. Dias, M. S., Galinho Pires, C., Miguel Pinto, F., Duarte Teixeira, V., Freitas, J., "Multimodal User Interfaces to Improve Social Integration of Elderly and Mobility Impaired", PHealth 2012: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Wearable Micro and Nano Technologies for Personalized Health, June 26-28, 2012, Porto, Portugal
  6. Hämäläinen, A., Pinto, F., Dias, M., Júdice, A., Freitas, J., Pires, C., Teixeira, V., Calado, A., Braga, D. (2012), “The First European Portuguese Elderly Speech Corpus”, IberSPEECH 2012, November, 2012, Madrid, Spain.


  1. "Engenheiro Jaime Filipe" Technological Innovation Award (2010), Personal Life Assistant (PLA), 1st place ex-aequo (See news)
  2. "Ser Capaz - Investigação e Tecnologia" Award (2011), Projeto Living Home Center, 2nd Honorable Mention (See news)

Masters dissertation

Pires, Carlos Galinho, "Personal Assistant for Improving the Social Life of Mobility-Impared Citizens", Tese de Mestrado, MIEIC, Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, Julho 2010 (See MLDC publications)

Dissertation's page

Dissertation's diary
